Science Topics
Science Topics is a collection of recent outstanding works carried out primarily in Japanese institutions by PSJ (Physiological Society of Japan) members. The first author of each paper must be a PSJ member.
- Science Topics - 177: Programmable tension-clamp apparatus for studying tension-sensitive channels
- Science Topics - 176: Unraveling the brain’s inhibitory pathways: From vision to action
- Science Topics - 175: Capturing the molecular mechanisms of efficient neurotransmission at excitatory synapses
- Science Topics - 174: Maturing spermatozoa utilize their “electric signal”
- Science Topics - 173: A mechanism of middle-aged obesity
- Science Topics - 172: Early establishment of chloride homeostasis in CRH neurons is altered by prenatal stress leading to fetal HPA axis dysregulation
- Science Topics - 171: The chaotic oscillations of sarcomeres within cardiac muscle cells are induced by calcium fluctuations.
- Science Topics - 170: Capturing clues to the molecular mechanism that enables the rapid onset of action potential
- Science Topics - 169: Wave characteristics of muscle spring oscillations ─ The behavior of the depressions tells us the nature of the waves ─
- Science Topics - 168: NKCC1 in astrocytes suppresses seizures at inhibitory synapses during epileptic seizures
- Science Topics - 167: Arginine vasopressin neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus determine the circadian rhythm period of other suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons.
- Science Topics - 163: A specialized mode for PIP2-dependent gating in two-pore channels
- Science Topics - 162: Long-term depression-inductive stimulation causes long-term potentiation in mouse Purkinje cells with a mutant thyroid hormone receptor
- Science Topics - 161: Molecular mechanism of the constitutive activity in the potassium ion channel complex important for potassium ion recycling in epithelial cells.
- Science Topics - 160: Infant cry, sleep, and physiological regulation by transport
- Science Topics - 159: “Love burns fat”––Oxytocinergic neural pathway that promotes fat combustion identified
- Science Topics - 158: Mechanism underlying conversion from an electrical signal to a chemical one in voltage-sensing phosphatase (VSP)
- Science Topics - 157: Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Life and Health Sciences, Chubu University
- Science Topics - 156: Cerebellar contribution to rhythmic movements
- Science Topics - 155: The warmed myocardium creates a contractile rhythm that combines stability and instability
- Science Topics - 154: Title Protein kinase Cγ in cerebellar Purkinje cells regulates Ca2+-activated large-conductance K+ channels and motor coordination.
- Science Topics - 153: Memory supporting inter-regional networks among preconfigured local ensembles developed through experience.
- Science Topics - 152: Synaptic clustering increases the dynamic range of neuronal computation.
- Science Topics - 151: HIV uses the host (human) RNA modification for viral replication.
- Science Topics - 150: Two parallel cortical streams from the prefrontal areas support response inhibition
- Science Topics - 149: Elucidation of the mechanism that keeps cell volume constant through the cooperative action of two proteins
- Science Topics - 148: Elucidation of changes in myofibrillar structure and function under deep-sea pressure
- Science Topics - 147: Local neuron-microglia interaction in the brainstem induces whisker map plasticity in the thalamus after peripheral nerve injury.
- Science Topics - 146: Robust routing of spatial information by subiculum neurons
- Science Topics - 145: Loss of Ftsj1 agitates codon-specific translation in the brain and is associated with X-linked intellectual disability
- Science Topics - 144: The mechanism setting ON/OFF timer in the master circadian clock.
- Science Topics - 143: A method to quantify happy emotion
- Science Topics - 142: Contraction Rhythm Homeostasis manifested in warmed cardiomyocytes – the mechanism of stable rhythm and high efficiency of heartbeat at body temperature –
- Science Topics - 141: Unconventional role of voltage-gated proton channels in regulation of microglial ROS production
- Science Topics - 140: Transduction and coding of sodium taste in taste buds
- Science Topics - 139: Synaptic silencing of fast muscle is compensated by rewired innervation of slow muscle
- Science Topics - 138: Gastrointestinal neurons expressing HCN4 regulate retrograde peristalsis
- Science Topics - 137: Dopamine D2 receptors detect transient decreases in dopamine concentration to correct inaccurate emotional memory
- Science Topics - 136: Nobel Regulation Mechanism of Cell Cycle
- Science Topics - 135: Identification of Happy Center in the Brain
- Science Topics - 134: A mind–body connection in the brain: a key neural pathway for stress responses
- Science Topics - 133: Contextual learning rapidly promotes synaptic plasticity at CA1 synapses
- Science Topics - 132: A novel sorting mechanism of synaptic currents in the cerebellar Purkinje cell dendrites ― Dendritic excitability plasticity determines the conduction of synaptic current on cerebellar Purkinje cells ―
- Science Topics - 131: Developmentally regulated KCC2 phosphorylation is essential for dynamic GABA-mediated inhibition and survival.
- Science Topics - 130: Acute cerebellar inflammation and cerebellar hyperexcitability may cause depressive-like behaviors
- Science Topics - 128: From circuit formation to the initiation of the critical period:Involvement of different forms of spike timing-dependent plasticity in each stage
- Science Topics - 127: Learning promotes subfield-specific synaptic diversity in hippocampal CA1 neurons
- Science Topics - 126: Regulation mechanism of voltage-sensing phosphatase (VSP)
- Science Topics - 125: Dynamic laminar rerouting of inter-areal mnemonic signal during cued recall
- Science Topics - 124: External K+ dependence of strong inward rectifier K+ channel conductance is caused by competitive pore blockade by external Na+: how the external K+ ion accelerates the cardiac ventricular repolarization.
- Science Topics - 122: De novo CaMKIIα/β mutants causing neurodevelopmental disorders upregulate A-type voltage-dependent K + currents in hippocampal neurons.
- Science Topics - 121: Defective mitochondrial tRNA taurine-modification activates global proteostress and leads to mitochondrial disease
- Science Topics - 118: Optogenetics reveals a causal neural signal for mnemonic judgment in primates
- Science Topics - 117: Unconventional role of voltage-gated proton channels in regulation of microglial ROS production
- Science Topics - 113: Mechanisms underlying constancy of energy metabolites during cardiac workload transition
- Science Topics - 112: Laminar module for memory recall in area 36 of the primate temporal cortex
- Science Topics - 111: Excitatory GABAergic input from the arcuate nucleus promotes CRH release from axon terminals with NKCC1-driven high [Cl-]i as a novel secretory mechanism at median eminence
- Science Topics - 110: Critical roles of the nanocavity of the K+ channel for ion permeation
- Science Topics - 109: Partial loss of neuronal KCC2 function by biallelic SLC12A5 mutations causes migrating focal seizures and developmental delay
- Science Topics - 108: A Neural Circuit Mechanism of Perceptual Memory Consolidation during Sleep
- Science Topics - 107: Voltage-dependent conformational change of the cytoplasmic enzymatic domain of voltage-sensing phopsphatase, VSP, probed by the genetic incorporation of a fluorescent unnatural amino acid.
- Science Topics - 106: The mechanism in the brain for motor learning.
- Science Topics - 105: Rectified proton permeation across a single-file water chain
- Science Topics - 104: The descending pain inhibitory pathways activate the spinal defecation centre
- Science Topics - 103: Unveiling the initial events during endothelial barrier disruption: Specific roles of di-phosphorylation of myosin light chain and actin bundle formation at the cell periphery
- Science Topics - 102: The voltage-gated proton channel Hv1/VSOP inhibits neutrophil granule release
- Science Topics - 101: De novo Kv2.1 mutants causing infantile generalized seizures and psychomotor developmental delay inhibit repetitive firing of pyramidal neurons
- Science Topics - 100: Sensory stimulation evoked late activity is required for accurate perception
- Science Topics - 98: Quality control of mitochondria by methylthiolation of mitochondrial tRNAs
- Science Topics - 97: A critical time window for dopamine actions on the structural plasticity of dendritic spines
- Science Topics - 96: Brain pathway that drives psychological stress-induced hyperthermia
- Science Topics - 95: Molecular mechanism preventing KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel from opening
- Science Topics - 94: Phosphatase activity of voltage-sensing phosphatase (VSP) is graded dependent on the extent of activation of the voltage sensor.
- Science Topics - 93: Signal transmission within the P2X2 trimeric receptor
- Science Topics - 92: Clustering–Dispersion Dynamics of the KcsA Potassium Channel Coupled with the pH-dependent Gating in Lipid Membrane
- Science Topics - 91: Expression of immediate-early genes reveals ocular dominance domains in New World owl monkeys
- Science Topics - 90: Prostaglandin E2-EP4 signaling inhibits elastogenesis in the ductus arteriosus
- Science Topics - 89: Orexin neurons suppress narcolepsy via two distinct efferent pathways
- Science Topics - 88: A cholinergic trigger drives learning-induced plasticity at hippocampal synapses
- Science Topics - 87: Neuronal representation of event timing in the cerebellum
- Science Topics - 86: TRPA1 detects environmental chemicals and induces avoidance behavior and arousal from sleep
- Science Topics - 85: The role of the basal ganglia pathway to stop movements
- Science Topics - 84: Gating of the Designed Trimeric/Tetrameric Voltage-Gated H+ Channel
- Science Topics - 83: Mechanism of sensing the membrane lipid surrounding the K+ channel
- Science Topics - 82: Essential roles of endothelial class II PI3K-C2α in angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis
- Science Topics - 81: An unexpected functional link between pH-regulatory transporter NHE1 and calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin, leading to cardiac hypertrophy
- Science Topics - 80: Brain has fast and slow two distinct odor pathways
- Science Topics - 79: 3′ Phosphatase activity toward phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate [PI(3,4)P2] by voltage-sensing phosphatase (VSP)
- Science Topics - 78: Maturation of a PKG-dependent retrograde mechanism for exoendocytic coupling of synaptic vesicles
- Science Topics - 77: The cytoplasmic coiled-coil mediates cooperative gating temperature sensitivity in the voltage-gated H+ channel Hv1
- Science Topics - 76: Dopamine neurons learn to encode the long-term value of multiple future rewards
- Science Topics - 75: Neuronal calcium sensor-1 promotes immature heart function and hypertrophy by enhancing Ca2+ signals
- Science Topics - 74: ‘Ca2+ nanodomain’-mediated activation of volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying (VSOR) anion channels in mouse astrocytes
- Science Topics - 73: Functional Loss of Cdkal1, a Novel tRNA Modification Enzyme, Causes the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
- Science Topics - 72: Contextual learning requires synaptic AMPA receptor delivery in the hippocampus
- Science Topics - 71: Flexible network dynamics across cortical layers during memory retrieval
- Science Topics - 70: Subunit counting of the KCNQ1-KCNE1 ion channel complex
- Science Topics - 69: Orexin neurons are indispensable for stress-induced thermogenesis
- Science Topics - 68: TRPV2 enhances axon outgrowth through its activation by membrane stretch
- Science Topics - 67: Temperature-dependence of proton permeation through a voltage-gated proton channel
- Science Topics - 66: New insights into functional compartments within ocular dominance columns of macaque visual cortex
- Science Topics - 65: Identification of synaptic tagging activity, a mechanism for consistency of persistent memory
- Science Topics - 64: Gonadal steroids maintain in vivo ACh release in the hippocampus: neonatal sexual differentiation of septo-hippocampal cholinergic system
- Science Topics - 63: Local control of Ca2+-dependent inactivation of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in bullfrog sympathetic neurons
- Science Topics - 62: Role of cardiac α1-adrenoceptor-subtype signaling in the regulation of L-type Ca2+ channels
- Science Topics - 61: Effect of troponin exchange on length-dependent activation in skinned porcine ventricular muscle.
- Science Topics - 60: Conformational twist of the pore structure during gating of KcsA potassium channel
- Science Topics - 58: The voltage-sensitive phosphatase, Ci-VSP is activated in depolarized condition
- Science Topics - 56: The δ2 glutamate receptor does not function as an ion channel to regulate synaptic plasticity and cerebellar functions.
- Science Topics - 55: Regulation of voltage sensor movement of KCNQ1 channel by KCNE protein
- Science Topics - 54: TRPA1 channel-mediated facilitation of excitatory synaptic transmission in the spinal dorsal horn
- Science Topics - 53: Regulation of Neural Activity through Temperature-Sensor Protein in Hippocampus.
- Science Topics - 52: CD38 is critical for maternal nurturing and social behaviour by regulating oxytocin secretion
- Science Topics - 50: Involvement of Ion Channel in Anticancer Drug Resistance
- Science Topics - 49: Roles of Volume-Sensitive Chloride Channel in Excitotoxic Neuronal Injury
- Science Topics - 48: Axonal filtering enforces auditory coincidence detection